2018 Trail PlansSpring Trails Report The only consistency left to winter is variability. This winter started mild, morphed to snowy, followed by very severe cold, warmed up enough to seem to be ending, then some Northeasters dropped a few more feet of snow. The current seasonal snow total of 87 inches provided some good skiing. The deep snow at higher elevations should last well into May. Our Annual Maintenance will be challenging this season . The drenching October 2017 storms delivered 7.8 inches of rain and high winds. We patrolled most of our trails after the storms and cleared many, but certainly not all, of the blowdowns. The damage profile of these storms is similar to Hurricane Irene. In both cases WODC trails were fortunate not to sustain the damage that locations further north in the forest experienced. We are considering at a small project on the lower section of Blueberry Ledge Cutoff for a volunteer trails day. There are no plans for a major trail reconstruction project this summer. We will again hire members of Jed's crew to help us with Annual Maintenance. As usual we'll host 4 Volunteer Trailwork days:
We'll meet at the Ferncroft Parking Lot at 8:30AM on all our Trailwork Saturdays. Bring water, food, gloves, and clothing appropriate for the weather. Most of all, be prepared to spend a day outdoors deriving satisfaction from a job well done. If you want more information on any of our trail projects contact Jack 323-8913, jackw@g4com.com or Fred 284-6919. Trails Chair, Jack Waldron
WODC Annual Meeting We'll hold our Annual Meeting on Sunday August 19 at 6:30PM in the Chapel. There will be a Potluck in the Grove at 5:00PM.
Contact Us This page was last modified on 06/19/2018 . |