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1998 Calendar

1998 Trail Calendar

Unless otherwise noted, all trips meet at the Ferncroft kiosk at 8:15 AM on Saturday.   Please bring good gloves, lunch, and plenty of water. All necessary tools will be provided, but feel free to bring a pair of sturdy pruning shears if you have them. For further information please contact Peter Smart at 603-323-8666 or 603-323-8827.



Trip Report


Multiple trips to do initial clearing on Old Mast Road and Dicey's Mill Trail. Mild weather allowed nearly 600 hours of early-season work, clearing much of the damage above the snow.

May 2nd

Dicey's Mill Trail - Although preliminary ice storm cleanup began in January, there is still much to do to fully clear this important trail.   (This date was originally scheduled for Blueberry Ledge Trail, but that damage has already been cleared in earlier trips.) Despite a cold rain, 57 person-hours of labor cleared the last major damage on Dicey's Mill.   Overall, Dicey's Mill Trail is now fairly clear and passable.

May 9th

Chocorua Mt Club Trails Day - As our annual WODC/CMC work trip we'll give CMC a hand clearing ice storm damage. Meet at Margaret Wheeler's house by Lake Chocorua.  A great meal will follow! Lots of progress clearing CMC trails, but west Beeline, upper Old Paugus, and upper Whitin have heavy damage that will require further trips.

May 15-17

WMNF Ice Storm cleanup weekend - WODC volunteers will spend 1-2 nights near the top of Old Mast Road to clear the heavy damage on adjacent trails. Thanks to ten volunteers over three days, we  cleared Lawrence & Cabin Trails, and made good progress on Kelley, Square Ledge, Walden, and Olivarian Brook Trails!

May 23

Bennett Street Trail - The ice damage in this area is severe, so a good turnout is especially important. Meet at Bennett Street trailhead. With 27 volunteers in three crews (245 person-hours), we cleared the entire trail, plus a large portion of Gleason Trail!

May 30

Kelley Trail - Clear the last of the heavy damage in the upper mile. Using two chain saws, a crew of seven finished clearing the heavy ice damage.

June 3- Aug 14

WODC will be hiring a small crew to help with ice storm cleanup.  During this period the crew will do final cleanup on the trails already "cleared". A crew of four helped volunteers reopen all trails in a timely manner, as well as doing lots of vital drainage and erosion-control work.

June 6

Blueberry Ledge Cutoff With 11 volunteers and 3 crew members, we split into two groups to clear the Cutoff and the Wiggin trail!.

June 13

Square Ledge Trail Canceled due to heavy rain.

June 20

Square Ledge Trail - Finish clearing from Square Ledge Branch to Walden Trail. Eleven people worked in two groups, clearing the rest of the trail in 10 hours.

June 27

Walden Trail - Finish clearing Walden Trail from the summit of Mt. Passaconaway to Wonalancet Range Trail. Rained out on the 27th, but subsequently cleared by our storm crew.

July 11

Red Path, Gordon Path   Brushing, install new signs and improve the blazing. New blazing and signs installed on both trails.

July 18

New Hampshire Trails Day - Kelley Trail - Interesting side-hill work in the "plunge pool" to replace an ice-damaged section of trail, and move the treadway away from the brook.  Barbecue/potluck supper to follow! A core group of eight completed about half of the treadway.  We'll return in October to finish the job with Trailwrights.

Aug 14-18

Kate Sleeper Trail - Annual work trip, concentrating on storm cleanup and drainage work, with assistance from the Marion, Mass.   scout troop. Eleven scouts and four WODC volunteers cleared the entire trail and accomplished lots of restoration and drainage work, totaling nearly 400 person-hours!

Aug 21

Old Mast Road - Restore areas of private land damaged by high-impact camping. Dozens of rocks, logs, and live trees were used to restore the damaged areas.  Fire rings were removed and "No Camping" signs were posted.

Oct 3

Annual trip with Trailwrights.   Complete the sidehill work on Kelley Trail begun in May. A crew of eleven built seventeen rock steps, completing the reconstruction of this section!


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