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Submit Work Report

For adopters, volunteers, and trail crew members.

Please use the following form to report all work on WODC trails.  This information will help us plan future trail projects, as well as detailing the Club's work for our partner organizations.  (It also lets you qualify for a free WMNF Parking Permit.)  Your reports do matter!

bulletPlease submit one form for each person and trail.  For example, if two people work on one trail, submit one form for each person.  If one person works on two trails, submit one form for each trail.
bullet We suggest that you use a separate form for each day, however you may report multi-day trips on a single report.  In this case please enter the last date of work and provide details under "Comments."

Worker's name: (one person per form!)

Email:   Date of work:  (mm/dd/yy)


Total hours travel, hiking and work:  (use decimals: 1.5)

Work done:    Brushing    Blowdowns   Drainage   Signs/Blazing   Reconstruction   Other

Other comments:

Click the Submit button to send your report>>>     

For multiple people or trails, submit the first report, then click "Back", revise the form for each person or trail, and submit it again.  If you need help please email trails@wodc.org.  Thank you.


Contact Us      This page was last modified on 06/19/2018 .