Note: Printed copies of this report are available upon request. Please contact WODC at the address on our home page. Results of 1997 WODC Membership SurveyBackground In February of 1997, questionnaires were mailed to all WODC members along with their annual membership renewal notices. A total of 393 questionnaires were distributed: 243 to individual members and 150 to family members. By September of 1997, 168 replies were received. The excellent response rate of 43% helps assure good accuracy when applying the results to the entire membership. Section I: About Yourself 1. How many years have you been a WODC member? Nine members answered "don't remember" or "long time." Two others did not answer the question at all. Neither group is represented in the chart. 2. Do you belong to other outdoor organizations? If yes, please list
those in which you are most active.
The chart shows all organizations to which at least two respondents belong. "All Other" totals the 30 other organizations to which only one respondent belongs. "Unspecified" shows the 14 respondents who said they do belong to other organizations, but did not list them. 3. Do you volunteer for any of these organizations? If yes, which ones,
and in what capacity. 4. What is your age? 5. Where is your primary residence? Those living in the "Wonalancet area" were asked to skip to question 9. If outside the Wonalancet area, do you have a seasonal home/camp in the
area? 6. During what months of the year do you visit the Wonalancet area?
7. How far is your primary residence from the Wonalancet area? 8. When was the last time you visited the Wonalancet area? 9. How many times did you use the trails in the Wonalancet area last
year? 10. How many times did you back-country camp in the Wonalancet area in
the last 2 years? 10B. Where did you camp? Section II: Membership Information 11. How did you find out about the WODC? The respondents that wrote in "family" or "friend" have been included under "Word of Mouth". Those that wrote in the name of another organization have been included in "Other Org." The 15 remaining answers did not fit any of the categories and are shown as "Other." Of these, 9 were "long time members" and 2 saw newspaper articles. 12. How many other WODC members do you know? 13. Have you ever attended a WODC Annual Meeting? 14. For family memberships, how many people do you include in that membership? Of the 168 surveys returned, 67 (40%) indicated a family membership by answering "2" or more. This compares favorably to WODC membership records, which lists 38% of memberships as families. Totaling the number of people in the 67 family responses yields 185 persons, for an average of 2.76 people per family. Using this average, and the actual membership counts from February 1997, we can project the number of individuals represented by all WODC memberships:
15. What WODC activities are you interested in volunteering for?
Section III: WODC Programs & Activities In this section, members were asked to rate the importance of various Club activities and programs on a scale from 1 (Most Important) to 4 (Not Important.) The results are represented in two forms: 1) The "raw" response to each question is shown by a series of bars that represent the percentage of 1, 2, 3, and 4 ratings that each item received. This percentage is based on the 163 people that answered at least part of this section. Example: On question 16, the WODC Map & Guide was rated "most important" by 79%, "very important" by 14%, "somewhat important" by 5%, and "not important" by 1%. The clustering of responses indicates a consensus (or lack thereof) on each item. The bars are shorter on some graphs than others due to a lower response rate and/or wider distribution of answers. 2) To gauge the overall importance of each activity, an average "score" was calculated using the following scale:
The average score for each item is shown by a solid box which is marked with the actual score. When evaluating the overall scores, remember the scale as defined above. A 33% score is not a negative rating. It still means the item received a "Somewhat Important" rating. Example: On question 16, the overall score for the WODC Map & Guide was 91%. 16. Importance of Member Services 17. Importance of Trail Activities 18. Importance of Advocacy Activities 19a. Importance of WODC Programs 19b. Best Day & Time for activities 20a. Do you support the WODC's traditional pedestrian use only policy?
There were, however, 18 suggestions from both groups for "other uses":
Five people (3%) also suggested Skiing. Others probably considered skiing to fall under "pedestrian use" and therefore didn't suggest it separately. 20b. Would you support acquisition of land or building for WODC
clubhouse? Judging from several comments, some respondents answered "No" because they took this question to mean financial support. This implies that somewhat more than the reported 48% would support a clubhouse in theory, while less than 48% would provide direct financial support. 20c. Percentage of respondents who provided their name and/or address
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