Basic maintenance of WODC trails is performed primarily by volunteer Trail Adopters. These activities consist primarily of brushing, blow-down removal, and the cleaning of water bars. While some activities are carried out throughout the summer season, it is particularly important that major blow-downs be removed before Memorial Day, when the summer hiking season starts in earnest. In addition to aiding the passage of hikers, early clearing minimizes damaging side trails that form as hikers avoid the obstacle. Some adopters assume responsibility for an entire trail, while others may be co-adopters, sharing the duties with another volunteer. In any case, the WODC Trails Committee is available to help with any special needs or questions that may arise. Although some adopters chose to use their own tools, the WODC will normally provide all necessary tools. If you think you might be interested in (co-)adopting a trail, please contact the Trails Committee for further information. We will make every effort to match you up with a suitable trail, and help to provide whatever training you may need. Important: Virtually all WODC trailwork is done with hand tools. Most of our trails are within the Sandwich Range Wilderness, where motorized equipment is not allowed. Although power saws are allowed outside Wilderness, Forest Service safety procedures require special training and certification. Unless you're certified, please leave your chain saw at home. Most blow-downs are safely and efficiently cut with a sharp bow saw, and an axe or crosscut saw will take care of the few larger trees. To see what can be done by hand, read about our 1998 ice storm cleanup.
Contact Us This page was last modified on 06/19/2018 . |